AI People

Update 0.2.1a – Beyond Time

For the next Update of AI People we decided to explore the option to go beyond the current boundaries of the time!

Let’s take a look at what Update 0.2.1a with the name Beyond Time, brings.

ai people game update

Removal of the Hard 10-minute Limit

As the name of the update suggests, we decided to really go “Beyond Time”. Since the game’s launch, we’ve had a hard 10-minute limit for each scenario. However, one of the most frequently repeated pieces of feedback we collected was that players would like to play longer than 10 minutes, as they couldn’t always finish the story within that time.

Now, this limit is removed!

The changes start with the new phrase welcoming you to the scenario. Now you’ll see this:

your adventure begins

After 10 minutes of play, a notification will appear in the top right corner saying,  “It’s been a while. Continue exploring if you’re having fun or try a new scenario.”

The scenario will continue until you decide to stop it. You can easily dismiss this notification just by clicking on the X button.

ai people Subscription Mechanism

We enabled the subscription mechanism from

It’s now possible to subscribe and unsubscribe scenarios in the in-game workshop.


Bug Fixes